- SharmaSK, Mohan A, Prasad KL, Pande JN, Gupta AK,Khilnani GC. Clinical profile, laboratory characteristics and outcome inmiliary tuberculosis. Q J Med 1995;88:29-37. This paper has been abstracted in Federele MP [Editor -in-Chief]. The Year Book of Diagnostic Radiology, St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, Inc 1997:91-93.
- Mohan A, Pande JN, Sharma SK, Rattan A, Guleria R,Khilnani GC. Bronchoalveolar lavage in pulmonary tuberculosis. A decisionanalysis approach. Q J Med 1995;88:269-76.
- Mohan A, Chattopadhyay TK, Sharma SK, Dinda AK,Sharma R. Primary actinomycotic lung abscess. A case report. Postgrad Med J 1995;71:699-700.
- Mohan A, Misra A. Use of face masks during a plagueepidemic. Postgrad Med J 1996;72:127.
- GuleriaR, MohanA, Mukhopadhyay S. Opaque hemithorax in a young adult. Postgrad MedJ 1997;73:681-83.
- KumarA, MohanA, Gupta R, Singal VK, Garg OP. Relapse of Wegener's granulomatosisin the first trimester of pregnancy: a case report. British J Rheumatol1998;37:331-33.
- Mohan A, Handa R, Aggarwal P, Wig N, Chaturvedi V,Biswas A, Wali JP. Generalised wasting in a young diabetic. Postgrad Med J1998;74:683-700.
- MisraA, Cherukupalli R, Reddy KS, Mohan A, Bajaj JS.Hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia in non-obese, normotensive offspring of hypertensive parents in northernIndia. Blood Press 1998;7:286-90.
- SharmaS, Sharma SK, Mohan A, Wadhwa J, Dar L, Thulkar S, Pande JN. Clinical profile of dengue haemorrhagic feverin adults during 1996 -outbreak in Delhi, India. Dengue Bulletin 1998;22:20-7.
- GujralS, Bhattarai S, Mohan A, Jain Y, Arya LS, Ghose S, Singha U, Kumar R.Ocular extramedullary myeloid cell tumour in children: an Indian study. J TropPaediatr 1999;45:112-5.
- DilipD, Rao MH, Chandra A, Sanjeeva Rao M, Rajasekhar D, Prasad SV, MohanA. Coronary artery bypass in patients with severe left ventriculardysfunction. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 2002;10:211-4.
- Mohan A. HIV testing and TB care: under the guise of pilgrimage. AIDS Watch 2003;8:5-6.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Side effects of antituberculosis drugs. Am J Respir Crit Care Med2004;169:882-3.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Inpursuit of tuberculosis in the pleural space: what more is required? Int JTuberc Lung Dis 2004;8:622-3.
- Sharma SK, Kurian S, Malik V, Mohan A, Banga A, Pandey RM, Handa KK, Mukhopadhyay S. A stepped approach for prediction of obstructive sleep apnea in overtly asymptomatic obese subjects: a hospital based study. Sleep Med 2004;5:351-7.
- Sharma SK, MohanA, Sharma A, Mitra DK. Miliary tuberculosis: new insights into anold disease. Lancet Infect Dis 2005;5:415-30.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A,Banga A, Saha PK, Guntupall KK. Predictors of development and outcome in patients with acute respiratorydistress syndrome due to tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2006;10:429-435.
- Sharma SK, Malik V, Vasudev C, Banga A, Mohan A, Handa KK, Mukhopadhyay S. Prediction of obstructive sleep apnea in patients presenting to a tertiary care center. Sleep Breath 2006;10:147-54.
- SharmaSK, Tahir M, Mohan A,Smith-Rohrberg D, Mishra HK, Pandey RM. Diagnostic accuracy of ascitic fluidIFN-gamma and adenosine deaminaseassays in the diagnosis of tuberculous ascites. J Interferon Cytokine Res2006;26:484-8.
- SharmaSK, MohanA. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: a menace that threatens to destabilizetuberculosis control. Chest 2006;130:261-72.
- Mohan A, Premanand R, Reddy LN, Rao MH, Sharma SK, Kamity R, Bollineni S. Clinical presentation and predictors of outcome in patients with severe acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring admission to intensive care unit. BMC Pulm Med 2006;6:27.
- Pai M, Mohan A, Dheda K, Leung CC,Yew WW, Christopher DJ, Sharma SK. Lethal interaction: the colliding epidemics oftobacco and tuberculosis. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2007;5:385-91.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. The implications of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Eur Infect Dis 2007(1):52-4.
- Mohan A, Bollineni S. Obstructive sleep apnoea in India: what the mind does not think, the eyes do not see. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2007;11:932-3.
- Sharma SK, Singla R, Sarda P, Mohan A, Makharia G, Jayaswal A, Sreenivas V, Singh S. Safety of 3 different reintroduction regimens of antituberculosis drugs after development of antituberculosis treatment-induced hepatotoxicity. Clin Infect Dis 2010;50:833-9.
- Sharma SK, Singla R, Sarda P, Mohan A, Makharia G, Jayaswal A, Sreenivas V, Singh S. Reply to chang and leung. Clin Infect Dis 2010;51:367-8.
- Suresh V, Reddy A, Mohan A, Rajgopal G, Satish P, Harinarayan C, Rekha P, Sachan A. High prevalence of spirometric abnormalities in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Pediatr Endocrinol Diabetes Metab 2011;17:71-5.
- KumarBS, Sharma P, Reddy LK, Bhattaram MP, Mohan A, Kumar VS. Mutation analysisof PKD1 gene in Indian population. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2012;23:143-7.
- Sharma SK, Solanki R, Mohan A, Jain NK, Chauhan LS; Pleural Effusion Study Group. Outcomes of Category III DOTS treatment in immunocompetent patients with tuberculosis pleural effusion. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2012;16:1505-9.
- Rathored J, Sharma SK, Singh B, Banavaliker JN, Sreenivas V, Srivastava AK, Mohan A, Sachan A, Harinarayan CV, Goswami R. Risk and outcome of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and serum 25(OH)D. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2012;16:1522-8.
- Jindal SK, Aggarwal AN, Gupta D, Ahmed Z, Gupta KB, Janmeja AK, Kashyap S, Singh M, Mohan A, Whig J. Tuberculous lymphadenopathy: a multicentre operational study of 6-month thrice weekly directly observed treatment. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2013;17:234-9.
- Mohan A, Harikrishna J, Prabath Kumar D. Imaging studies in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. World Clin Pulm Crit Care Med 2013;2:84-96.
- Mohan A, Harikrishna J, Prabath Kumar D. Pulmonary-renal syndrome. World Clin Pulm Crit Care Med 2013;2:313-24.
- Sharma SK, Sharma M, Mohan A, Jain S, Pande JN. VER, BAER, NCS in patients with chronic respiratory failure. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996;153:A326.
- Prasad GA, Sharma SK, Saha PK, Mohan A, Gupta N, Jain D, Misra NK, Kochupillai N. Adrenocortical reserve in drug sensitive and drug resistant tuberculosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 155:A28.
- Jha SC, Mohan A, Sharma SK, Pande JN, Manchanda SC. Cardiopulmonary response to submaximal exercise in mitral valve disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 155:A166.
- Sharma SK, Suresh V, Mohan A, Chawla TC. T-lymphocyte subsets and cytokines as markers of cell mediated immunity in tuberculosis pleural effusion. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;157:A575.
- Sharma SK, Suresh V, Mohan A, Saha P. Adenosine deaminase estimation in the diagnosis of tuberculosis pleural effusion: a prospective study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;157: A575.
- Sharma SK, Jain P, Mohan A, Pande JN. Comparison of cardiopulmonary physiological response to graded exercise on bicycle ergometer in asymptomatic subjects and in patients with anemia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;157:A90.
- Sharma SK, Balamurugan A, Mehra NK, Saha PK, Mohan A, Mitra DK, Pande JN. Immunogenetic studies in tuberculosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000;161:A646.
- Mohan A, Kumar DP, Rao MH, Sharma SK. Acute respiratory failure in the tropics: epidemiology and outcome. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000;161:A401.
- Sharma SK, Reddy TS, Handa KK, Mukhopadhyay S, Mohan A, Pande JN. Sleep disordered breathing in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a prospective study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001;163:A185.
- Mohan A, Abha Chandra, Harinarayan CV, Vengamma B, Rao MH, Sharma SK, Sivasankar P. Tuberculosis in the emergency room: a cause for concern. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001;163:A664.
- Sharma SK, Kurian S, Handa KK, Mohan A, Kharbanda OP, Mukhopadhyay S, Pande JN. Sleep disordered breathing in obese subjects: a prospective study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002;A515
- Mohan A, Premanand R, Narayan Reddy L, Rao MH, Sharma SK. Epidemiology and outcome of acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: experience at a tertiary care centre. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002;165:A590.
- Sharma SK, Malik V, Kurian S, Pandey RM, Mohan A, Handa KK, Mukhopadhyay S. Predictors of obstructive sleep apnea in North Indian obese population: a case-control study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;167:A410.
- Mohan A, Rao MH, Sharma SK, Reddy MK Acute respiratory failure requiring assisted ventilation in patients with falciparum malaria. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;167:A907.
- Banga A, Sharma SK, Mohan A. Acute respiratory distress syndrome in pulmonary tuberculosis Chest 2003;124:114S.
- Sharma SK, Kurian S, Malik V, Pandey RM, Mohan A, Banga A, Handa KK, Mukhopadhyay S. A stepped approach for prediction of obstructive sleep apnea in grossly asymptomatic obese subjects: a hospital based study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004;169:A542.
- Mohan A, Srinivas B, Kiran DHN, Rao MH, Sharma SK. Critical care management of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004;169:A629.
- Banga A, Mohan A, Saha PK, Sharma SK. Predictors of development of acute respiratory distress syndrome in miliary tuberculosis. Chest 2004;126:753S.
- Bollineni S, Mohan A, Chandra A, Rao MH, Reddy MK, Venugopal. Acute life threatening hemoptysis in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: clinical presentation and management. Proc Am Thorac Soc 2006;3:A611.
- Mohan A, Naveen KumarS, Rao MH. Acute accidental exposure tochlorine gas: clinical presentation, pulmonary functions and outcome. Proc AmThorac Soc 2006;3:A202.
- Bollineni S, Mohan A, Sharma KK, Gururajakumar A. Pulmonary manifestations in acute leptospirosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007;175:A218.
- Mohan A, Chandra A, Vengamma B, Reddy MK. Paradoxical deterioration in HIV-negative patients while on DOTS treatment for tuberculosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007;175:A970.
- Mohan A, Chandra A, Nagarajan A, Vijayalakshmi B, Manohar IC, Damodaram P, Reddy MK. Clinical manifestations and treatment−outcome in patients with pulmonary tuberculomas. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009;179:A3202.
- Dharmavaram Harirao N, Nagarajan A, Mohan A, Chandra A. Clinical manifestations and treatment-outcome with DOTS in elderly patients with active tuberculosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2010;181:A3145.
- Mohan A, Guruprasad G, Prabath Kumar D, Harikrishna J, Vivekanand K. Prevalence of antituberculosis drug induced hepatotoxicity in patients with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis and peripheral lymph node tuberculosis receiving thrice-weekly intermittent DOTS: A prospective study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011;183:A4909.
- Mohan A, Kishore Babu KV, Siddhartha Kumar B, Sachan A, Katyarmal DT, Prabath Kumar D, Srinivasa Rao PVLN, Sarma KVS. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and effect of diabetes mellitus on treatment outcome of TB. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012;185:A2327.
- Mohan A, Vivekanand K, Prabath Kumar D, Harikrishna J. Treatment of tuberculosis under the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP): experience at a tertiary care medical college teaching hospital in South India. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013;187:A2307.
- Malhotra OP, Mohan A. Vincristine induced thrombocytosis. J Assoc Physicians India 1994; 42:258.
- Malhotra OP, Mohan A, Saxena R. Cyclosporine in pure red cell aplasia. J Assoc Physicians India 1994;42:664.
- Mohan A, Misra A, Modi G. Alternatives to tetracycline prophylaxis against pneumonic plague. Natl Med J India 1994;7:305.
- Mohan A, Aggarwal P. Need for poison information in India. Natl Med J India 1994;8:47.
- Guleria R, Mohan A, Sharma SK, Chopra P, Pande JN. An uncommon pleural tumor. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1995;37:85-87.
- Bansal T, Mohan A, Sharma SK. Septic shock: pathogenesis and treatment-a review. J Assoc Physicians India 1996;44:407-14.
- Mohan A, Sharma MC, Pande I, Kumar A, Malaviya AN. Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy. A case report. J Assoc Physicians India 1996;44:418-19.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Adenosine deaminase in the diagnosis of tuberculosis pleural effusion (editorial). Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1996;38:69-71.
- Sharma SK, Guleria R, Jain D, Chawla TC, Saha P, Mohan A, Jain NK. Effect of additional oral ofloxacin administration in the treatment of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1996;38:73-79.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK, Pande JN. Acute respiratory distress syndrome in miliary tuberculosis: a 12 year experience. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1996;38:147-52.
- Gupta K, Mohan A, Sharma SK, Guleria R, Pande JN, Bannerjee U. Pulmonary nocardiosis. A case report. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1996;38:175-78.
- Mohan A, Mirdha BR, Vishaka M. Fascioliasis in a pregnant woman. Indian J Gastroenterol 1996;15:155.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Clinical manifestations of tuberculosis: molecular mechanisms (editorial). Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1997;39:1-4.
- Kumar S, Mohan A, Sharma SK, Pande JN. Recent advances in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma (review). Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1997;39:27-45.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK, Pande JN, Datta Gupta S. Recurrent hemoptysis in a young male. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1997;39:47-50.
- Seth S, Mohan A. Quinapril for coronary artery disease. Natl Med J India 1997;10:73-74.
- Pande JN, Mohan A, Khilnani S, Khilnani GC. Normal values of peak expiratory flow rate in school-going children. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1997;39:87-95.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A, Guleria R, Padhy AK. Diagnostic dilemma: tuberculosis? or, sarcoidosis? Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1997;39:119-23.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A, Gupta R, Gupta AK, Singhal VK, Kumar A. Clinical presentation of tuberculosis in patients with AIDS: an Indian experience. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1997; 39:213-20.
- Handa R, Aggarwal P, Biswas A, Wig N, Mohan A, Chaturvedi V, Wali JP. Lead poisoning in a schizophrenic. Indian J Med Sci 1998;52: 414-16.
- Mohan A, Seth S. Antituberculosis drug resistance: a global threat. Natl Med J India 1998;11:276-77.
- Mohan A, Seth S. Foetal RhD genotyping using DNA extracted from maternal plasma. Natl Med J India 1999;12:118-19.
- Kumar A, Mohan A, Sharma SK, Kaul V, Parshad R, Chattopadhyay TK, Pande JN. Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) in the diagnosis of intrathoracic pathology: initial experience. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1999;41:5-13.
- Misra A, Reddy RB, Reddy KS, Mohan A, Bajaj JS. Clustering of impaired glucose tolerance, hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia in young north Indian patients with coronary heart disease: a preliminary case-control study. Indian Heart J 1999;51:275-80.
- Seth S, Naik N, Mohan A. Selective beta-blockers and mortality from heart failure. Natl Med J India 1999;12:225-6.
- Prasad GA, Sharma SK, Mohan A, Gupta N, Bajaj S, Saha PK, Misra NK, Kochupillai NP, Pande JN. Adrenocortical reserve and morphology in tuberculosis. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2000;42:83-93.
- Mohan A, Seth S. Oral miltefosine in the treatment of kala-azar. Natl Med J India 2000;13:202-3.
- Mohan A. The economics of kidney donation. Natl Med J India 2000;13:222.
- Seth R, Mohan A. Efficacy of monovalent human rotavirus vaccine 89-12 in infants. Natl Med J India 2000;13:253-4.
- Mohan A. Modern day leeches. Natl Med J India 2000;13:277.
- Mohan A. Conmen in Hyderabad, Careless hospitals and doctors, transparency in admissions. Natl Med J India 2001;14:61-2.
- Sharma SK, Suresh V, Mohan A, Kaur P, Saha P, Kumar A, Pande JN. A prospective study of sensitivity and specificity of adenosine deaminase estimation in the diagnosis of tuberculosis pleural effusion. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2001;43:149-55.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A . Sleep disordered breathing and hypertension: time to wake up! Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2001;43:77-9.
- Mohan A, Ibrarullah M, Sonawane R, Dilip D, Chandra A, Sharma SK. Achalasia cardia: uncommon presentation. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2001;43:103-5.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A, Guleria JS. Clinical characteristics, pulmonary function abnormalities and outcome of prednisolone treatment in 106 patients with sarcoidosis. J Assoc Physicians India. 2001;49:697-704.
- Sharma SK, Reddy TS, Mohan A, Handa KK, Mukhopadhyay S, Pande JN. Sleep disordered breathing in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2002;44:99-105.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Bronchoalveolar lavage in the diagnosis of pulmonary infections in the immunocompromised (editorial). J Assoc Physicians India 2002;50:1107-9.
- Ibrarullah M, Mohan A, Sarkari A, Srinivas M, Mishra A, Sundar TS. Abdominal tuberculosis: diagnosis by laparoscopy and colonoscopy. Trop Gastroenterol 2002;23:150-3.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Sarcoidosis: global scenario & Indian perspective. Indian J Med Res 2002;116:221-47.
- Mohan A. Quack cashes in on AIDS scare. Natl Med JIndia. 2003;16:53.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Scientific basis of directly observed treatment short-course (DOTS). J Indian Med Assoc 2003;101:157-8,166.
- Premanand R, Prasad GV, Mohan A, Gururajkumar A, Reddy MK. Eosinophilic pleural effusion and presence of filariform larva of Strongyloides stercoralis in a patient with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma deposits in the pleura. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2003;45:121-4.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Medical schools and tuberculosis control: bridging the discordance between what is preached and what is practiced. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2004;46:5-7.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Co-infection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis: Indian perspective. Indian J Tuberc 2004;51:5-16.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Multi-drug resistant extrapulmonary tuberculosis in a HIV-negative patient. Indian J Tuberc 2004;51:43-6.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Sarcoidosis in India: not so rare! J Indian Acad Clin Med 2004;5:12-21.
- Rajasekhar D, Mohan A. Clinical and echocardiographic findings in patients with myocardial toxicity due to scorpion sting. Natl Med J India 2004;17:307-9.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Uncommon manifestations of sarcoidosis. J Assoc Physicians India 2004;52:210-4.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Directly observed treatment short-course (DOTS). J Indian Acad Clin Med 2004;5:109-13.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Indian J Med Res 2004;120:354-76.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Indian J Med Res 2004;120:316-53.
- Sharma SK, MohanA, Kadhiravan T. HIV-TB co-infection: Epidemiology, diagnosis &management. Indian J Med Res 2005;121:550-67.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. In search of a diagnostic test for tuberculosis infection: where do we stand? Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2006;48:5-6.
- Sharma KK, Gururajkumar A, Mohan A, Sivakumar V, Kalawat U. A preliminary study on the prevalence of leptospira serovars among suspected cases of leptospirosis at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. Indian J Med Microbiol 2006;24:302.
- Mohan A. Chikungunya fever: clinical manifestations & management. Indian J Med Res 2006;124:471-4.
- Mohan A. International standards of tuberculosis care. Natl Med J India. 2006;19:301-5.
- Premanand R, Kumar S, Mohan A. Study of thiobarbituric reactive substances and total reduced glutathione as indices of oxidative stress in chronic smokers with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2007;49:9-12.
- Mohan A, Bollineni S. Predicting mortality in critically ill obstetric patients requiring intensive care unit admission in India. Indian J Med Sci 2007;61:175-7.
- Mohan A, Reddy MK, Phaneendra BV, Chandra A. Aetiology of peripheral lymphadenopathy in adults: Analysis of 1724 cases seen at a tertiary care teaching hospital in southern India. Natl Med J India 2007;20:78-80.
- Sharma SK, Smith-Rohrberg D, Tahir M, Mohan A, Seith A. Radiological manifestations of splenic tuberculosis: a 23-patient case series from India. Indian J Med Res 2007;125:669-78.
- Damodaram P, Manohar IC, Prabath Kumar D, Mohan A, Vengamma B, Rao MH. Myasthenic crisis-like syndrome due to Cleistanthus collinus poisoning. Indian J Med Sci 2008;62:62-4.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Fibreoptic bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of sputum smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis: current status. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2008;50:67-78.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK, Bollineni S. Acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome in malaria. J Vector Borne Dis 2008;45:179-93.
- Mohan A. Member, Expert Group of the Association of Physicians of India on Adult Immunization in India. The Association of Physicians of India evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on adult immunization. J Assoc Physicians India. 2009;57:345-56.
- SardaP, Sharma SK, Mohan A, MakhariaG, Jayaswal A, Pandey RM, Singh S. Roleof acute viral hepatitis as a confounding factor in antituberculosis treatmentinduced hepatotoxicity. Indian J Med Res 2009;129:64-7.
- Mohan A, Kiran DHN, Manohar IC, Kumar DP. Epidemiology, clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Chikungunya fever: lessons learned from the re-emerging epidemic. Indain J Dermatol 2010;55:54-63.
- Mohan A, Naveen Kumar S, Rao MH, Bollineni S, Manohar IC. Acute accidental exposure to chlorine gas: clinical presentation, pulmonary functions and outcome. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2010;52:149-52.
- Singla S, Sharma SK, Mohan A, Makharia G, Srinivas V, Jha B, Kumar S, Sarda P, Singh S. Role of acute viral hepatitis as a confounding factor in antituberculosis treatment induced hepatotoxicity. Indian J Med Res 2010;132:82-6.
- Sridhar MS, Mohan A. Sri Venkateswara Medical College and Sri Venkateswara Ramnarain Ruia (SVRR) Government General Hospital, Tirupati. Natl Med J India 2010;23:171-5.
- Mohan A. EAMCET goes global--and ecofriendly! Natl Med J India 2012;25:125.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A, Sharma A. Challenges in the diagnosis & treatment of miliary tuberculosis. Indian J Med Res 2012;135:703-30.
- Kumar BS, Mohan A. Subcutaneous cysticercosis. Indian J Med Res 2012;136:102.
- Kumar BS, Mohan A. Authors' response. IndianJMedRes2012;136:678-9.
- Mohan A, Vengamma B. Continuous positive airway pressure for metabolic syndrome in obstructive sleep apnoea. Natl Med J India 2012;25:222-4.
- Harikrishna J, Sukaveni V, Prabhath Kumar D, Mohan A. Cancer and tuberculosis. J Indian Acad Clin Med 2012;13:142-4.
- Harikrishna J, Sivaram Naik G, Aparna Reddy S, Prabhath Kumar D, Kumar BS, Vijayalakshmi Devi B, Rukmangadha N, Mohan A. Disseminated tuberculosis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. J Clin Sci Res 2012;1:199-203. (Awarded “Best Paper Award” under the category “Case Reports”).
- Mohan A. Parthenium hysterophorus as Ganesh Puja Patri: a disaster in the making. Natl MedJ India 2012;25:316.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A, Chauhan LS, Narain JP, Kumar P, Behera D, et al; Task Force for Involvement of Medical Colleges in Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme. Contribution of medical colleges to tuberculosis control in India under the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP): lessons learnt & challenges ahead. Indian J Med Res 2013;137:283-94.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Tuberculosis: From an incurable scourge to a curable disease - journey over a millennium. Indian J Med Res 2013;137:455-93.
- Mohan A, Prabath Kumar D. Continuous positive airway pressure therapy for metabolic syndrome in obstructive sleep apnoea: where do we stand? Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2013;55:137-9.
- Mohan A, Harikrishna J, Prabath Kumar D. Imaging studies in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. World Clin Pulm Crit Care Med 2013;2:84-96.
- Mohan A, Harikrishna J, Prabath Kumar D. Pulmonary-renal syndrome. World Clin Pulm Crit Care Med 2013;2:313-24.
- Mohan A. Cashless health insurance scheme for state government employees in Andhra Pradesh. Natl Med J India 2013;26:189.
- Malhotra OP, Mohan A, Saxena R. Clinico-hematological profile of polycythemia vera (abstract No: 500) J Assoc Physicians India 1992;40:908.
- Mohan A, Kumar JV. Cold pressor test in health and hypertension (abstract No: HSI-9). J Assoc Physicians India 1996;44:1003.
- Mohan A, Kumaraswamy Reddy M. Concurrent administration of orl bulaquine in the treatment of relapses of P.vivax malaria (abstract No.625). J Assoc Physicians India 2002;50:175
- Mohan A, Rajasekhar D. Echocardiographic findings and effect of oral L-carnitine administration in the treatment of myocardial toxicity caused by scorpion sting. (abstarct No.626). J Assoc Physicians India 2002;50:210.
- Mohan A, Sharma KK, Kumar BS, Padmanabhan S, Sivakumar V. Acute leptospirosis: epidemiology, clinical presentation and laboratory abnormalities (abstract No.198). J Assoc Physicians India 2003;51:1206.
- Sujay S, Siddhartha Kumar B, Mohan A, Vijayalakshmi Devi B, Srinivasa Rao PVLN, Katyarmal DT, Sarma KVS. A study of prevalence of asymptomatic atherosclerosis in South Indian patients with rheumatoid arthritis by utilizing carotid intima-media thickness as a surrogate marker. J Assoc Physicians India 2010;58:767.
- Sivaram Naik G, Mohan A, Prabath Kumar D, Harikrishna J, Sarma KVS. Clinical presentation and outcome of Cat. II DOTS in "previously treated TB patients" presenting with peripheral lymph node TB. J Assoc Physicians India 2011;59:812.
- Arun Raja V, Mohan A, Harikrishna J, Siddhartha Kumar B, Sivaram Naik G, Aparna Reddy S, Sarma KVS. Aetiology and predictors of outcome in patients admitted to MICU with MODS. J Assoc Physicians India 2014;62:163.
- Dinesh Kumar N, Mohan A, Siddhartha Kumar B, Prabath Kumar D, Harikrishna J, Sarma KVS. Prevalence of HIV infection in incident TB cases. J Assoc Physicians India 2014;62:167.
- Suneetha P, Mohan A, Sivaram Naik G, Harikrishna J, Prabath Kumar D, Sarma KVS. Predictors of outcome in patients with super vasmol 33 hair dye poisoning. J Assoc Physicians India 2014;62:175.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Case track series 1. Case report collection series. Pulmonary tuberculosis: Typical and atypical cases. Mumbai: M/S Merind Ltd., 1997.
- Sharma SK, Behera D, Mohan A (Editors). Recent advances in respiratory medicine. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 1998.
- Sharma SK (Editor), Mohan A (Assistant Editor) . Tuberculosis. 1st edition. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2001.
- Sharma SK, Behera D, Mohan A (Editors). Recent advances in respiratory medicine. Vol.2. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2005.
- Sharma SK (Editor), Mohan A (Assistant Editor). Tuberculosis. Second edition. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2009.
- Rewari BB, Mohan A (Executive Editors). Abstracts of free papers, 64th Annual Conference of Association of Physicians of India, APICON 2009. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2009.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Viral upper respiratory infections. In: Rakel RE, Bope TE, editors. Conn’s Current Therapy 2007. Fifty-ninth edition. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2007.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Sarcoidosis. In: Rakel RE, Bope TE, editors. Conn’s Current Therapy 2008. Sixtieth edition. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2008.270-3.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases. In: Rakel RE, Bope TE, editors. Conn’s Current Therapy 2008. Sixtieth edition. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2008.278-85.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Major key topics concerning risk factors in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. In Esquinas Rodriguez AN, editor. Year book of noninvasive mechanical ventilation 2008. Almeira (Spain): International Association of noninvasive ventilation; 2008.p.326-32.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases. In: Rakel RE, Bope TE, editors. Conn’s Current Therapy 2009. Sixty-first edition. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2009.p.282-90.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Miliary tuberculosis. In: Schlossberg D, editor. Tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacterial diseases. Sixth Edition. Washington: ASM Press; 2011.p.415-35.
- Malhotra OP, Mohan A. Blood cell component therapy. In: Pathak L, editor. Postgraduate Medicine, Bombay: Association of Physicians of India; 1995(9):121-8.
- Seth V, Mohan A, Chatterjee A. Central nervous system tuberculosis II. In: Seth V, editor. Essentials of tuberculosis in children. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 1997.p.188-96.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Acute respiratory distress syndrome. In: Grover A, Aggarwal V, Gera P, Gupta R, editors. Manual of medical emergencies. 1st edition. Delhi: M.M. Health Care; 1997.p.208-12.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Tuberculosis: changing trends. In: Sharma SK, Behera D, Mohan A, editors. Recent advances in respiratory medicine. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers;1998.p.59-93.
- Kumar S, Mohan A, Sharma SK, Pande JN. Pathogenesis of bronchial asthma. In: Sharma SK, Behera D, Mohan A, editors. Recent advances in respiratory medicine, New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers;1998.p.73-90.
- Dutta M, Mohan A. Epidemiology of tuberculosis. In: Pande JN, editor. Respiratory medicine in the tropics. New Delhi: Oxford University Press;1998.p.192-202.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Sepsis, acute lung injury and septic shock. In: Das AK, editor. Postgraduate Medicine. Bombay: Association of Physicians of India; 1998(12):12-29.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Sarcoidosis: an Indian perspective. In: Das AK, editor. Postgraduate Medicine. Bombay: Association of Physicians of India;1998(12):472-80.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Multidrug- resistant tuberculosis: therapeutic challenges. In: Gupta S, Sood OP, editors. Tuberculosis. Proceedings of the Seventh Round Table Conference. New Delhi: Ranbaxy Science Foundation.; 2000(7):67-91.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. History. In: Sharma SK, Mohan A, editors. Tuberculosis. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2001.p.5-13.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Epidemiology. In: Sharma SK, Mohan A, editors. Tuberculosis. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers 2001.p.14-29.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Clinical manifestations. In: Sharma SK, Mohan A, editors. Tuberculosis. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers 2001.p.148-51.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Disseminated/miliary tuberculosis. In: Sharma SK, Mohan A, editors. Tuberculosis. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2001.p.348-61.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Fluoroquinolones in the treatment of tuberculosis. In: Sharma SK, Mohan A, editors. Tuberculosis. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers 2001.p.492-9.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Tuberculosis at other body sites. In: Sharma SK, Mohan A, editors. Tuberculosis. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers 2001.p.607-10.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Antituberculosis treatment in special situations. In: Das AK, editor. Postgraduate Medicine. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2001(15):65-73.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in India: magnitude of the problem and management. In: Das AK, editor. Postgraduate Medicine. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2001(15):75-87.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Acute respiratory distress syndrome. In: Grover A, Aggarwal V, Gera P, Gupta R, editors. Manual of medical emergencies. Second edition. Delhi: Pushpanjali Medical Publishers; 2003.p.397-403.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Multidrug- resistant tuberculosis: current trends. In: Das S, editor. Postgraduate Medicine. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2003(17):31-5.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Multidrug- resistant tuberculosis: management strategies. In: Adik-Pathak L, editor. Postgraduate Medicine. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2004(18):31-5.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Antituberculosis treatment induced hepatotoxicity. In: Venkataraman GS, editor. Medicine update. Mumbai:Association of Physicians of India; 2004.p.298-306.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Antituberculosis treatment induced hepatotoxicity: from bench to bed-side. In: Gupta SB, editor. Medicine update. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2005;15:479-84.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Acute respiratory distress syndrome. In: Manoria PC, editor. Postgraduate medicine. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2005(19):135-51.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. ABC of emergency room management. In: Agarwal AK, editor. Emergency medicine. New Delhi: Association of Physicians of India (Delhi State Chapter), Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers;2005.p.1-7.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Massive hemoptysis. In: In: Agarwal AK, editor. Emergency medicine. New Delhi: Association of Physicians of India (Delhi State Chapter), Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2005.p.421-8.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Acute an acute on chronic respiratory failure. In: Agarwal AK, editor. Emergency medicine. New Delhi: Association of Physicians of India (Delhi State Chapter), Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers;2005.p.436-52.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Community acquired pneumonia: a clinician's perspective. In: Sharma SK, Behera D, Mohan A, editors. Recent advances in respiratory medicine. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2005.p.292-305.
- Mohan A, Bollineni S, Sharma SK. Severe acute respiratory syndrome. In: Sharma SK, Behera D, Mohan A, editors. Recent advances in respiratory medicine. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2005.p.320-35.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. An approach to interpret arterial blood gases. In: Agarwal AK, Editor. Clinical medicine update - 2006. Indian Association of Clinical Medicine. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2006.p.73-81.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Miliary tuberculosis. In: Agarwal AK, editor. Clinical medicine update - 2006. Indian Association of Clinical Medicine. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2006.p.353-60.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Sarcoidosis. In: Agarwal AK, Editor. Clinical medicine update - 2006. Indian Association of Clinical Medicine. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2006.p.529-38.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. How to interpret blood gas data. In: Singal RK, editor. Medicine update. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2007(17):145-51.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Chikungunya fever. In: Singal RK, editor. Medicine update. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2007(17):634-8.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea. In: Singal RK, editor. Medicine update. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2007(17):758-67.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Acute respiratory distress syndrome. In: Grover A, Aggarwal V, Gera P, Gupta R, editors. Manual of medical emergencies. Third edition. Delhi: Pushpanjali Medical Publishers; 2003.p.396-402.
- Mohan A, Srihasam K, Sharma SK. Diagnostic reasoning: approach to clinical diagnosis based on Bayes’ Theorem. In: Bichile SK, editor. Medicine update. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2008(18):563-9.
- Mohan A. Upper respiratory tract infection, rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis. In Shah SN, editor-in-chief. API Textbook of medicine. Eighth edition. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2008.p.353-5.
- Mohan A, Bollineni S, Nagarajan A. Acute respiratory distress syndrome in the tropics. In: Hazra DK, editor. Clinical medicine update – 2008. Agra: Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine;2008.p.105-111.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. History. In: Sharma SK, Mohan A, editors. Tuberculosis. 2nd edition. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2009.p.7-15.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Disseminated and miliary tuberculosis. In: Sharma SK, Mohan A, editors. Tuberculosis. Second edition. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2009. p.493-518.
- Mohan A, Seth V. Antituberculosis drugs and drugs for Mycobacterium avium complex. In: Seth SD, Seth V, editors. Textbook pharmacology. Third edition. New Delhi: Elsevier India Private Limited;2009.p.X.74-X.84.
- Mohan A. Drug therapy of amoebiasis, giardiasis and trichomoniasis. In: Seth SD, Seth V, editors. Textbook pharmacology. Third edition. New Delhi: Elsevier India Private Limited;2009.p.XI.20-XI.28.
- Mohan A. Drug therapy of helminthic infections. In: Seth SD, Seth V, editors. Textbook pharmacology. Third edition. New Delhi: Elsevier India Private Limited;2009.p.XI.33-XI.41.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Salient clinical characterstics of severe falciparum malaria in adults in the tropics. In: Agarwal AK, editor. Medicine update 2009 (Part-II). Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2009(19):696-712.
- Mohan A, Kiran DHN, Nagarajan A. Non-invasive ventilation. In Narsimulu G, editor. Clinical medicine update – 2009. Agra: Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine; 2009.p.279-87.
- Mohan A, Kumar DP, Manohar IC. Adjunctive agents in sepsis: the case for and against steroids and activated protein C. In: Das AK, editor. Postgraduate medicine. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2010(25):357-63.
- Mohan A, Prabath Kumar D, Harikrishna J. Isolated mediastinal lymphadenopathy in a young adolescent. In: Kar M (editor). Clinical medicine update – 2010. Agra: Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine; 2010.p.193-204.
- Mohan A, Vijayalakshmi Devi B, Chandra A. Pumonary mycetoma. In: Jindal SK, editor. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2011.p.747-56.
- Mohan A, Vijayalakshmi Devi B, Chandra A. Solitary pulmonary nodule. In: Jindal SK, editor. In: Jindal SK, editor. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2011.p.1470-81.
- Mohan A, Vijayalakshmi Devi B, Chandra A. Lung abscess. In: Behera D, editor.NCCP Textbook of respiratory medicine; New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2011.p.171-7.
- Mohan A, Prabath Kumar D, Harikrishna J. Lung transplantation: past, present and future. In: Thakur BB, editor. Postgraduate medicine. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2011(25):292-304.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Acid base disorders. In Munjal YP, Editor-in Chief. API Textbook of medicine. 9th edition. New Delhi: Published by Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (for The Association of Physicians of India); 2012.p.239-45.
- Mohan A, Sharma SK. Sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome. In Munjal YP, Editor-in Chief. API Textbook of medicine. 9th edition. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (for The Association of Physicians of India); 2012.p.256-62.
- Mohan A. Diseases of pleura, mediastinum, diaphragm and chest wall. In: Munjal YP, Editor-in Chief. API Textbook of medicine. 9th edition. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (for The Association of Physicians of India); 2012.p.1774-83.
- Mohan A, Vijayalakshmi Devi B, Prabath Kumar D, Hari Krishna J. Solitary pulmonary nodule: approach to diagnosis. In: Thakur BB, editor. Postgraduate medicine. Mumbai: Indian College of Physicians, Academic wing of The Association of Physicians of India; 2012.p.467-79.
- Mohan A, Prabath Kumar D, Hari Krishna J. Newer anti-TB drugs and drug delivery systems. In: Muruganathan A, editor. Medicine update. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (for The Association of Physicians of India); 2013.p.388-92.
- Mohan A, Sivaram Naik G. Enteric fever. In: Rewari BB, Executive-Editor-in-Chief. Clinical medicine update 2013. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers for Indian Association of Clinical Medicine; 2013.p.250-7.
- Mohan A, Hari Krishna J, Prabath Kumar D. Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). In: Joshi S, editor. Medicine update. Mumbai: Association of Physicians of India; 2014.p.595-601.
- Mohan A. Oxygen therapy-a comprehensive guide. Jindal SK, Gupta D. Chandigarh: Department of Pulmonary Medicine; Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research; 1998. Natl Med J India 1999;12:189.
- Mohan A. Antiinflammatory drugs in asthma. Sampson AP, Church MK, editors. Basel: Birkhauser Verlag; 1999. Natl Med J India 2000;13:103.
- Mohan A. Kaufman SHE, Hahn H, editors. Mycobacteria and TB. Issues in Infectious Diseases. Vol.2. Basel: Karger; 2003. Natl Med J India 2003;16:171.
- Mohan A. Behera D. Bronchial asthma. Second edition. 2005. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2005;47:221.
- Mohan A. Bhoi S, Goel A. Principles of emergency medicine. Hyderabad: Paras Medical Publishers. Natl Med J India 2005;18:104-5.
- Mohan A. Agarwal P, Murmu LR, Yadav CS. Principles and practice of emergency medicine. New Delhi: B.I. Publications Pvt. Ltd. J Indian Acad Clin Med 2005;6:200.
- Mohan A. Shankar PS. Manual of clinical methods. 4th ed. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.; 2005. Indian J Med Res 2006;123:575-6.
- Sharma SK, Mohan A. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Mediquest 1995; 13:1-11.
Impressive and distictive as ever Dr Mohan.,!